11-10-01 Saldanha 800m

Saturday saw West Coast Racing host another round of the Saldanha 800m top end runs with Zain Ryland returning to defend his crown. With a number of Skyline GTR’s and a track speck Porsche in attendance it looked like there where cars up for the challenge. The ‘surprising’ early contender to the thrown was the Executive Towing BMW that managed to match Zain’s previous record of 256km/h. With Zain having put up a speed in the 240km/h region earlier in the day it look like we would possibly have a new champion, that was until Zain lined up against the green monster – Suspect-WP. Spurred on by the beast lining up next to him Zain pushed his twin turbo Sierra XR8 to a speed of 265.4km/h. Congratulations to Zain as well as the organisers for an awesome event, till next time…

more pics after the jump… or check them out in the gallery

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